BC Science Chemistry 11
The only program in British Columbia designed to address the competencies in the curriculum. Join the thousands of students who have experienced success in Chemistry 11 because of the all BC author team that created both the print and digital materials.
BC Science

BC Science Chemistry 12
Building on success in BC Science Chemistry 11, this follow up book for grade 12 Chemistry prepares students for future studies in a variety of STEM related careers. Prepare for your future by using our program to give you the foundation needed for success in grade 12 and into College and University.
BC Science

BC Science Physics 11
When you combine award winning educators and teaching experience from K to 16 you have the foundation for a engaging physics program for all. BC Science Physics 11 brings the curriculum alive with easy to access text for high school students, a range of problems designed to provide deep learning of the concepts being discussed and hands-on activities to engage all learners. Bring physics alive in your classroom with BC Science Physics.
BC Science

BC Science Physics 12
This program not only covers the BC Physics 12 curriculum, it provides multiple opportunities for students to build a strong foundation in areas such as kinematics, circular motion and magnetism. Using the print and digital support in this program ensures your students will be have success in your class and in their academic future.
BC Science